Real name :  Viruj C.
Nick name :  Ben
Cyber name :  BennieBoy
Date of birth :  July 8, 1981
Nationality :  Thai
Religion :  Buddhism
Marital status :  Single and looking
Location :  Bangkok, Thailand
Time zone :  GMT +07:00
Phone :  +661 516 7671
Email :
ICQ :  15302703
Spoken languages :  English, Thai
Zodiac sign :  70% Gemini + 20% Cancer + 10% others
Blood group :  O
Height :  170
Weight :  How rude...
Occupation :  Unemployed
Education :  Bachelor of Business Administration, Chulalongkorn University
Hobbies :  Reading, Writing, Surfing the Net, Web design, Graphic design, Jogging
Fave color :  Blue, pink, white
Fave food :  Sushi, sashimi
Fave place :  Melbourne